TikTok Accessibility – How Accessible Is It & How To Make Your Videos Accessible

TikTok, the video platform that revolutionised the industry. But how accessible is the content on this platform? And can you do anything about it? Grab a hot cuppa and let’s talk about it. 

What is accessibility?

Accessibility refers to the design of products, devices, services, or environments to be usable by as many people as possible, particularly those with disabilities. In social media, accessibility is the practice of making content and platforms usable and inclusive for all users, including those with disabilities. Given the significant role that social media plays in modern communication, ensuring accessibility is vital for inclusivity.

Does TikTok have accessible features?

As one of the leading social media platforms, TikTok has made noticeable efforts to ensure that its platform is inclusive and accessible to as many users as possible. Recognising the need to cater to individuals with various disabilities, TikTok has implemented a range of features aimed at improving the user experience for those who may face auditory, visual, or cognitive challenges. However, it is worth noting that while these features signify progress, there is still room for improvement to fully meet the diverse needs of all its users. Notably, some people have voiced their concerns and issues with the app’s navigation and design.

Current TikTok Accessibility Features

The following are some of the features that you can find on the app:

  • Photosensitive epilepsy toggle & warning: TikTok is known for its filters, and users’ endless creativity, and in many cases, videos might include strobing lights that could be harmful for users that are photosensitive. Even though the platform cannot control every single video, it sometimes shows a notification at the start of the video including a photosensitive warning to the user, who can then decide to watch the video or skip it. However, it’s good practice to add a disclaimer at the beginning of your caption or on the screen if you think your video includes any effects that could be harmful to your audience. 
A phone displaying a Photo Sensitve Warning message to notify users with visual sensitivites that the video contains flashes of light.
  • Text-to-speech: Even though lots of people have been using this effect with a comedic goal, it’s actually a great accessible feature! If you add any text when editing your video, you have the option to add a voice over that will read the text out loud. 
Phone displaying the Text to speech feature. The text 'Hello world' is highlighted and a 'Text-to-speech' option appears.
  • Animated thumbnails: TikTok’s videos have animated thumbnails, which in many cases is a great way to catch the audience’s attention before they even watch the video. However, for those who might be sensitive to flashing images, the app also gives users the option to use static images in the cover of their videos.
Three phone screens. The two on the outside show TikTok videos on a search page with static thumbnail images. The phone in the middle shows the accessibility section of the app where you can turn off animated thumbnails.
  • Auto captions: this is a very exciting feature that the platform added in the last year. For users who might find it hard to write down the captions of what is being said in their video, or if you’re in a rush, TikTok provides auto-generated captions that translate into text whatever is being verbally said!
Two phone screens, one with a message displaying 'Introducing auto captions' and the other with a video still and the auto generated captions underneath.

Lesser known TikTok Accessibility Features

HOWEVER, there are some other features that the platform doesn’t feature on their accessibility page, but that you should know about!

  • Clear mode/Clear display: If you’re not familiar with the usual video display on TikTok, it follows a simple template, where the follow button, like, comment, and share options are on the right, and the caption is at the bottom. However, there are many cases when videos have too many elements on the screen, that can be hidden or partly hidden by the previously mentioned static elements. For those users who might find this a bit overwhelming, or who would rather have a more simple display without all that business, TikTok has a ‘Clear mode’ option that can be accessed by pressing and holding on top of whichever video you’re watching, and this automatically removes all the elements on the right side and bottom of the video. The original display can also be restored by following the same process. 
  • Playback speed: Many other platforms like Netflix and YouTube have adopted this feature, but many don’t seem to talk about the benefits that this can have on TikTok. If you’re feeling overwhelmed or if a video is going too fast for you and you need more time to process it all, reducing the playing speed would be a very helpful tool. 

TikTok Accessibility Best Practices

If you are one of the millions of TikTok users, and want to have a more accessible experience on the app, or create more accessible videos that will be enjoyed by everyone, you can make use of the features mentioned above. But I’ll give you some extra tips that you can easily incorporate in your daily videos that you might not know about yet:

  • Accessible format and design: Here at Purple Goat, we’ve made lots of content around inclusive design and best practices for social media, so I would highly recommend you check out this podcast episode where our Designer Luke goes through some basics! But if you’re looking for something quicker (I know, you love TikTok, so you probably love the quick videos), we have a few really simple videos on our TikTok page.
  • Camelcase Hashtag: The more technical name is Pascal Case hashtags, but as a lot of experts use ‘camelcase’ to refer to them, we’ll do the same in this blog. This simply means that when adding a hashtag to your video, you should capitalise the first letter of every word, so instead of writing #accessibletips, you should write #AccessibleTips. This makes the hashtags easier to read for everyone in general, but especially for those who use screen readers.
  • Video description: One of the most important things that you can add to your videos is a simple description of what is happening on screen. Visually impaired users might find it hard to fully understand and enjoy your content, so remember to add a simple description in the caption or comment section.
The Purple Goat Podcast – Why Does Innclusive Design Look Bad?

Why is TikTok accessibility important?

After all this ramble you might be thinking ‘but is this really THAT important?’. The short and sweet answer is ‘YES!’. There are lots of obstacles already in society for the 1.3 billion disabled people in the world, and if online spaces like TikTok can become a bit more accessible by making some small tweaks, then why not do it?!

TikTok Accessibility Benefits and Importance for Brands

In today’s increasingly digital landscape, social media platforms like TikTok offer brands an unprecedented opportunity to connect with a diverse global audience. However, this reach should be as inclusive as possible, acknowledging the needs of individuals with different disabilities. Some of the benefits of making TikTok accessible include:

  • Inclusion and Equal Access – Accessibility enables a broader demographic to enjoy, create, and share content.
  • User Experience – An accessible platform generally offers a better user experience for all, not just those with disabilities. Features such as captions not only assist those with hearing impairments but can also be beneficial in situations where audio is not feasible, like in a noisy environment or a quiet public setting.
  • Competitive Advantage – As audiences become more socially conscious, they are increasingly likely to engage with platforms that are inclusive and considerate of all user needs. Therefore, improving accessibility can provide TikTok with a competitive advantage over other platforms that may not be as inclusive.
  • Brand Image and Social Responsibility – Taking steps to make videos more accessible sends a positive message about your brand and its commitment to social responsibility. It reflects well on your company’s values and can improve public perception.

What accessibility features is TikTok missing? 

Even though TikTok has some accessible features, there are lots of things that users and the app itself can do to make it even more accessible to everyone. And the first step is working with the community and finding out what they need from the app. At Purple Goat we don’t get tired of saying ‘Nothing about us, without us’, which means, if you are planning on making something better, more accessible, more representative, etc., your first step should be involving the community itself, because they are the only ones that will give you all the right answers. 

How is TikTok helping with accessibility in other ways?

We’ve seen the app working with some disabled creators like @fatstimbo or @nikkililly, and only a couple of months ago the Purple Goat Team was invited to the TikTok Disability Pride Mixer to celebrate Disability Pride month in July! 

Big platforms have to keep raising awareness around the disabled community, and keep collaborating with creators and professionals to make sure it’s the most inclusive app out there! 

Some members of the PG team posing together and smiling at the camera during the TikTok Disability Pride Mixer event.

Concluding thoughts – TikTok Accessibility

TikTok might not be the most accessible platform out there right now, but it’s doing some great things for accessibility and for the disabled community. As allies to the disabled community, users can advocate for accessibility by following the simple advice mentioned in this post. And remember, accessible content is not only helpful for disabled users, but it improves the overall experience of every user. Don’t get behind and start now!

Need help? Get in touch with Purple Goat to discover how we can help your brand get ahead with inclusive TikTok content.

Looking for more social media accessibility tips? Take a look at our Instagram Accessibility Tips!

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